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Step 1 - N° 40

The Low Frequency – The Anti-Experiences Regulator (part 3)

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In the previous lesson I have explained that the Low Frequency uses two main methods to lower us and keep us anchored to a low vibration. The first method is our own thinking, through the Regulator; the second method is the use of the people around us, who create situations and matters that must “necessarily” involve us, even if they could actually do without us and solve the problem on their own without wasting our time. The Low Frequency uses the Regulator to exploit our own thinking against us. It has probably already happened to you in the past that you had a particular experience, so-called paranormal, that at the precise moment in which it happened you were aware that it was something absolutely true, real, and a proof that all this exists. But the next day or even just a few hours later, you began to doubt the reality of that experience, you started to think that it was just imagination and that you, for some absurd reason, had a distorted view of reality. Yet, you are aware that you cannot have a distorted view of reality, or strange impressions, out of the blue. For example, you might do if, after spending the night watching horror movies, you can’t fall asleep because any noise makes you think there is a monster in the house. However, you can’t think it was just an impression if one night you start to feel as if you are being observed and at the same time you hear loud noises and see objects falling. Also it can’t be the wind because all the windows and doors are shut, and during the day you were just getting on with your normal work routine and daily activities. It is clear that in this case we cannot even remotely deal with some kind of strange impression one has, because the feeling doesn’t come from watching a horror movie, but from the real events that are happening in your home. Yet, for some absurd reason, the next day you will think that it was just your impression, and that basically it is normal for objects to fall on their own, because “it happens to everyone”.

The Regulator is the tool that the Low uses to make us think what the Low wants us to think. The Regulator is a sensor that belongs to our brain, which is always active but intensifies its activity at specific moments. It works a bit like our pain sensor, which makes sure that as soon as your body is experiencing pain, for example you are holding your hand next to a burning stove, it springs into reaction, meaning that your hand snaps away to avoid burning. It is a spontaneous reaction of our brain, which in this case is necessary to safeguard our life. The Regulator sensor works in a similar way: as soon as you are raising your tonale, or you’re trying to, the Low’s mechanism immediately snaps, to bring you back on a low tonale, therefore in the Low Frequency vibration. The Regulator is the tool that the Low uses to speak in our mind with our voice, with the intent of making us believe that those thoughts are our own. Basically it is a sensor of our brain that the Low Frequency uses to immediately notice when we are rising in vibration so that it can intervene, from inside or outside, to lower us immediately… from the inside; through thoughts, doubts and obsessions, and from the outside; through the noises that distract us, people who contact us, or from events that happen “on their own” and that make us waste a lot of time. The Low, through the Regulator, notices the raising of your tonale due to an experience that has happened, or to the idea of starting to practice. It will intervene and lower your vibration, or prevent you from starting the practice which was destined to raise it, so that it won’t happen. All this shouldn’t scare you because there is nothing to fear, as the Low is not “dark”, but it is a great weight because if it does all this to keep you low it means that your Awakening is much more important than you believe.

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The Low uses the Regulator to make you doubt your experiences and those of others by making you believe that it is all delusion, or pushing you to belittle these experiences by making them appear less strong than they really were. In the meantime it takes advantage of the Regulator to make you completely forget the experiences you had, or that you’ve been told, to make you remain completely at a low vibration, dormant and unconscious of what is happening in your life and in the lives of others. You may have a memory of like a steel trap on “normal” topics, but it’s assured that with the paranormal you will not be as capable of remembering. This is because it does not depend only on your memory, but on the energy that those memories have and the vibration in which they are found. The paranormal experiences are much more difficult to remember and, above all, to keep as lucid memories. The Regulator will make sure they are washed away, it will make you remember them (and belittle them) at intervals, or will make them appear as if they were dreams, or make you forget them completely. The Low Frequency is a low vibration, which keeps you grounded at its vibrational level. As soon as you raise your tonale and try to be at a vibration higher than the Low, your Regulator attempts to lower you by sending you thoughts that have the sole purpose of bringing you back to a low vibration. For example, through practice you are raising your tonale above the Low vibration, which, to lower you, will make you think of immediately interrupting the meditation to go to wash the dishes, and this will pass as an “urgent action” which cannot wait 20 more minutes. Now, when you’re reading what is written here, you could find it absurd and you might think that these methods don’t have any effect on you… but as soon as you sit down to practice and start to raise your tonale, some of the most ambiguous thoughts will come to your mind. You might feel the sudden need to phone or message someone to tell them something which at that moment will seem vitally important (such as the idea of having to send an important file or message to someone to remind them of something) and you will be convinced that waiting one more minute would ruin everything and that therefore it is better to stop the meditation in order to chat with that person rather than making them wait 10 more minutes, which would not even change anything for them.

With each of us, the Regulator uses the most persuasive methods for our personal character. It is our personal Regulator: it is part of our brain, it knows much better than anyone else what methods and excuses to use to get us hooked to the mechanism which will lower our consciousness. It doesn’t matter what different method it will use with each of us, what matters is that it will be able to get you to interrupt the practice with the most trivial excuses, whenever it can. It’s up to you to become aware of its methods and make sure they don’t fool you. Is it really that urgent to send that message? Seriously, can’t you last another 10 minutes before you make that phone call to know where your girlfriend is? Do you really think the dishes will run away if you don’t wash them now? Yet, any excuse is good to distract you during the meditation and to make you decide spontaneously to interrupt it; when there’s no other means the Low can use. In those moments it will really seem that whatever excuse the Low puts in front of you, it will be the most reasonable and logical, and you will feel pushed to follow it even at the cost of skipping the meditation and forgetting about your spiritual path. It is very, very good at making you think that all those unexpected and time-wasting events placed in front of you are of fundamental importance. So much so as to push you to chase them even when you know yourself that it is only a waste of time which will bring nothing. Yet, you decide to pursue it anyway.

The Low uses the Regulator of our brain to make us have doubts, obsessions, frivolous thoughts that prevent us from evolving spiritually. Thus, the Low uses the access that Nature has to our minds, to be able to keep us tied to the low vibration; as our brain and therefore our thinking mind is completely connected to this planet.

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While Nature has access to our minds – since we are born and are part of this Planet – the Low takes advantage of this entryway to manipulate our thoughts and make us think of staying away from anything that could make us evolve spiritually. Of course, the Low is very clever. So the thoughts exploited will not be like “Stay away from what will make you Awaken, otherwise you will become free and I will no longer be able to manipulate you”, but it will insert thoughts like “Today is a beautiful day to get wasted! You will meditate tomorrow! ” and thus make you fall into total unconsciousness, even though you were aware that tomorrow you won’t meditate at all. You do not realize when your Regulator is speaking, because the Low accesses your mind in a completely “natural” way, by exploiting the nature of the human body. This means that it becomes impossible to recognize, except in cases where it is too obvious not to notice it, but in most cases the Regulator speaks just as you would; so you convince yourself that it is you who thinks this way. I gave you the example in which you may have had a paranormal experience such as perceiving an entity or seeing it with your own eyes, and shortly afterwards the Regulator made you think it was a hallucination, a sight problem, or just imagination. You may have even had a stronger experience, like surviving a serious accident and having perceived, shortly beforehand, a presence next to you. Yet, later you thought that you imagined everything and that there was no one next to you. You will focus much more on the damage to the car, rather than taking a moment to remember and try to understand what was that feeling of having someone next to you during the accident. I agree that the damage to the car is important, but is it really necessary to completely exclude the paranormal experience from your mind and memories?

I have chosen these examples because it’s sure that something has happened to you in the past, but you have not been able to explain it. You might have had very strong experiences in the past, maybe some from decades ago, and yet you have decided not to think about them anymore out of fear or laziness, as if thinking about them makes you feel tired. This is a fundamental step to understand what the Low is. Why should thinking of a paranormal experience make you feel tired? Because you don’t “want” to think about it, but you could spend hours thinking about your problems, bills to pay, feeding all the mental chaos that’s in your head every day, but you feel “tired” for thinking – even for just a minute – about some spiritual experience? You seem to feel tired because, in fact, it is tiring to get to a vibration higher than the Low vibration in which we have always lived. The Low is like a vibrational plane on which we all find ourselves. There are many levels of vibration higher and lower than the Low standard we are on. We all live in the Low, but there are those who choose to sink even deeper, and those who choose to practice to stay at a higher tonale compared to the Low vibration.

We are all born in the standard Low, but if we take the example of people who take drugs -regardless of whether they are heavy, light or hallucinogenic drinks – they will lead the person to live in an even lower and stagnant Low vibration compared to a person who does not use them. In fact, drugs, but also alcohol, make people sink in a deeper and more marshy Low plane than those who do not consume these substances, so much so that it becomes more difficult for them to get out. On the other hand, it is quite different for those who try to evolve spiritually, therefore those who have spiritual experiences (without the use of drugs! Because those are anti-Awakening substances, unlike the names and false illusions with which they are sold to you!) since the spiritual experiences raise your tonale and make you live on a vibrational plane higher than the Low. For those who do not practice, and therefore are not used to raising their tonale to a vibration higher than the common Low, it is more “tiring” to remember a paranormal experience, because remembering it requires thinking about an event that happened at a time when their vibration had risen.

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When your tonale rises it does not give you physical signals, but it is completely spontaneous and natural for your consciousness, so you raise or lower your tonale without even noticing it slightly. When you think about the spiritual experiences that have happened to you, your tonale is rising to allow you to remember what happened and make you understand it. But if you are not used to keeping that tonal, just thinking about a spiritual memory will make you feel “tired”, as if you’re having a sudden lack of energy. This is not “normal”, but it happens precisely because you are not used to keeping your tonal slightly higher than it is when you live in the Low. For those who practice, on the other hand, it becomes easier and less tiring because they are able to access the vibration of that precise memory without any effort.

However, it must be clarified that thinking about the memory of a spiritual event that happened in the past does not raise your tonale more than a thousandth of a degree, compared to what Meditation plus other psychic techniques would do. In fact, the first few times it might seem that practicing meditation is tiring. That’s because meditation makes you raise your tonale much higher, and when you’re experiencing it the first few times it is tiring to hold that tonale for long.Therefore, once the meditation is finished, you will end up carrying out some activity that will immediately throw you back into the Low, as you are not able to hold that tonale for longer. For example, after the meditation you will want to wash the dishes, watch a three-hour movie, or to spend the rest of your time chatting with friends. The Low will use your Regulator to make you want to perform these gestures, in order to quickly lower your tonale. The Low is terrified by the fact that you may raise your tonale and keep it high, so it will try every possible way to get you to lower it again, possibly by your own volition. You can imagine the Low as the flat road where everyone walks, but when you raise your tonale through practice it is as if you are climbing on a big step higher than the road and you keep walking up there, following the same road as everyone else but observing it from a few feet higher. Of course, the more steps you go up, the more the view will become very different. The point is that the floor/step on which you have climbed will not stay the same forever, because it only takes one of your daily tasks (such as cleaning the house, going to work, going out with friends) that will make you come off the step without even realizing it, and you will start walking on the Low plane again, where everyone walks.

So keeping a high tonale all day isn’t easy at all, and we couldn’t even be meditating 24/7. Yet, meditation is the only means that allows us to rise tonally. After that, thanks to other secondary but also absolutely important techniques, it is possible to keep the high tonale acquired with meditation for a little longer. Meditation raises the tonale, then with other practices taught in the Steps, such as the technique of being conscious during the day, you can keep your tonale a little higher and not immediately fall back into the Low. Thus, the more you practice the easier and less tiring it will be to keep the tonale high, while it will become difficult again as soon as you pass some time without practicing. Also, each experience you lived took place in a different vibrational plane; in other words, the higher the vibration of your experience, the more “tiring” it is to think about it and remember it in detail. Of course, it is not easy to recognize if that experience was “a little higher” or if it was at a very high vibration. You will learn to recognize these values with time and patience. What matters at the moment is that you understand that when you are in a Low vibration/tonale, it is difficult for you to fully understand these concepts; whether it is reading (for example this lesson), or whether it is the memory of an experience. Instead, it becomes much easier and more spontaneous to understand this knowledge and experience after meditating, because you have a much higher tonale, making you more “active” and more “awake”.
In the next lesson on the Low Frequency, I will explain in greater detail how the Regulator plays in lowering one’s tonale, which are the methods most used by the Low to keep you low, and on which plane the memories of your paranormal experiences are found. In the meantime, I recommend that you practice Meditation and read the next articles of this Step.

End of page 4 on 4.If you liked the article, comment below describing your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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  • Arya White
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    00:36 24/03/19

    È vero; capita che si ha un'esperienza e la si dà per "scontata" o cmq non gli si dà la giusta attenzione perché si pensa "mah vabe, non è nulla di che, magari non è nemmeno una vera esperienza" quando invece non è assolutamente cosi🤔 comunque mi rendo conto che quando i pensieri low si fanno più intensi nella meditazione (proprio gli stessi che hai elencato tu), mi viene spontaneo pensare quanto manca alla fine, e finisco per non far la meditazione precisa per tutti i chakra, mentre quando riesco a non dargli corda la termino molto più facilmente ed è come se il tempo si velocizzasse!

  • gengis

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    13:21 23/03/19

    Il low è veramente furbo, astuto e subdolo, il regolatore lo spione del low, li aiuta nel suo compito. Ci vuole un antiregolatore, forse è il "trucco" è fare l'opposto di quello che dice la nostra vocina svogliata.

  • ross

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    23:14 22/03/19

    Effettivamente è molto complicato contrastare il Low poiché non ci si rende conto che è sempre lui a disturbare la meditazione ed anche Da quando ho cominciato a meditare mi sono capitate cose singolari, dai dolori più svariati alle apparizioni. Qualche giorno fa mi è apparso mio padre che piangeva e vicino aveva una bolla di.luce luminosisisma. Mi ha lasciato molto scossa in quanto l'immagine era reale.

  • Cheyenne

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    23:06 22/03/19

    Tutti gli esempi che hai fatto sono capitati anche a me! E' una dura lotta combattere contro il nostro stesso pensiero manipolato dal Regolatore ma seguendo i consigli di Angel con determinazione e costanza possiamo farcela. Grazie infinite Angel <3

  • Adri

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    09:42 22/03/19

    Grazie per questa lezione e per i suoi precisi esempi perché mi permettono di proseguire meglio il mio percorso. Troppo spesso il low agisce su di me abbassandomi di tonale sfruttando i metodi che più mi agganciano, però, alcune volte ne sono cosciente e ciò mi dà la sensazione di avere fatto un piccolo ma importante passo verso la libertà da tale manipolazione. Attendo con gioia la prossima lezione e grazie per tali insegnamenti perché ogni volta mi sento sempre più motivata a praticare la meditazione e le varie pratiche psichiche.

  • Dolores
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    20:05 21/03/19

    Questo vuole davvero tenerci bassi di tonale, però io alcune esperienze paranormali molto forti che ho avuto posso dire di non averle mai dimenticate...magari me ne ha fatte scordare altre però...grazie per questa spiegazione molto precisa!

  • patty

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    13:27 21/03/19

    Il low è insistente vuole sottometterci, comandarci è una lotta continua.. Utilizza davvero ogni metodo per non farcii meditare e praticare tecniche, gioca sulle debolezze individuali facendoti anche credere che sia tu e non lui a decidere, per mantenerti a una bassa vibrazione e non farti alzare di tonale. Inerisce ogni tipo di dubbio e fa un resett del tuo cervello pur di non farti andare avanti nel tuo cammino spirituale per arrivare al risveglio. Sono impaziente di arrivare alla prossima lezione per avere molte più informazioni e sconfiggerlo una volta per tutte.

  • Errore

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    11:04 21/03/19

    Da quando pratico la meditazione mi stanno venendo in mente molti ricordi passati che avevo oramai cestinato! In due cose noto più difficoltà: nello stare in non pensiero e nel lottare contro il low una volta finita la meditazione, affinché non mi manipoli a compiere azioni low. Sto cercando di controllarmi, perché combattere lui è difficilissimo, gestire se stessi risulta totalmente diverso e più funzionale! Quando si è chiusi in gabbia, è solo una perdita di tempo cercare di convincere chi ti ha chiuso a liberarti, piuttosto conviene muoversi il culo e cercare una via di fuga!

  • RosyCt

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    00:14 21/03/19

    Una volta mi è capitato che ero a letto e la porta si è chiusa da sola era estate e nn c'era alito di vento , questa coda lo ricordata leggendo questo articolo .. Meditare è l unica chiave e poche settimane che pratico ma e mi accorgo di come tutto stia cambiando in meglio , ho dormito per 25 anni mi sto svegliando solo adesso .. Voglio combattere il low con la meditazione e avere coscienza di tutto .. Grazie sempre Angel.

  • Ivyrosablu
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    23:23 20/03/19

    Interessante distinzione...

  • Roberto

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    19:00 20/03/19

    All'inizio del mio percorso capitava molto spesso che era il regolatore a pensare al posto mio cadendo nell'incoscienza più totale. È riuscito a rovinarmi facendomi dimenticare un'infinità di esperienze paranormali o farmi pensare che erano solo mie immaginazioni. Ma ora che so come funziona il low e il regolatore voglio essere io a decidere e prendere le redini della mia vita. Grazie sempre Angel 😊

  • Evan
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    17:10 20/03/19

    È sempre utile rileggere i concetti chiave del Low e del Regolatore, perché a volte capita che dimentichiamo qualcosa e leggere questi documenti ti fa capire come agiscono su ciascuno di noi. Tutto molto chiaro, grazie!

  • Rosy

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    22:27 19/03/19

    È una lotta continua ....Ma è anche vero che meditando di più si riesce a contrastarlo . Bisogna rimanere coscienti e pian piano potremo dire di riconoscerlo subito e agire di conseguenza. Gli esempi che hai fatto sono molto precisi! Grazie perché con questi chiarimenti è più facile proseguire

  • Arthurconandoyle

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    17:02 19/03/19

    Da quando ho iniziato a meditare mi sono ritornate in mente tutte le esperienze paranormali che ho avuto in passato, e in effetti i ricordi sono blandi come se fossero passati in lavatrice o appartenuti ad un sogno Un ricordo particolare, che nel momento in cui accadeva mi son detto "questo lo registro" in effetti poi me ne sono dimenticato . Era quasi sera e passeggiavo lungo il canale , sulla parte alta del lungo canale c'era un mio conoscente che guardava il celo, con espressione serena e trasognata, la cosa incredibile era che nel celo c'era come un fulmine bianco che partiva dalla testa del conoscente e arrivava altissimo nel celo.Stranamente ho provato vergogna e pena per lui e mi sono detto se lo vedono sicuramente lo prendono in giro.

  • Dharani Tara
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    13:28 19/03/19

    Per tanti anni in passato ho vissuto in un low molto profondo che mi ha letteralmente incatenata in una bassa vibrazione, nelle ossessioni e, in parte, nella disperazione. Da quando ho iniziato a meditare sicuramente la situazione è migliorata e la vibrazione low si è comunque alzata da quegli abissi. Il mio Matrix infatti è migliorato. Il regolatore penso continui a fregarmi in un altro modo. Non ho mai interrotto una meditazione nonostante mi venissero in mente tante cose da fare, tante cose di lavoro che mi ero scordata, ma penso che il mio regolatore agisca così, istigando tanti pensieri e rovinando comunque la qualità della meditazione. Alle volte riesco a zittirlo, alle volte lui è assordante. Se abbasso la guardia mi frega completamente, avverto come mi lega, come mi trascina in basso e alle volte mi chiedo se mi libererò mai da questa che avverto come una catena. Ci vuole impegno, pazienza, resistenza, costanza... e spero di lavorare sempre meglio per allentare la sua morsa...