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Step 2 - N° 26

Questions about the Third Eye – Doubts on the Third Eye (part 1)

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Angel: Welcome back! You can start with the first question about the Third Eye.

Student: Hello Angel. To make it clear: is it fair to define the third eye as the part of the sixth sense responsible for seeing what untrained human eyes do not see (e.g., energies, entities, energy programs, thought forms?) or should we understand it precisely as something physical? So not really a separate faculty, but rather a set of other abilities, such as energy vision especially. However, the name is suggestive and thus has entered common usage more than other expressions. This also seems to me to be another way of not giving people a correct view of spirituality (correct me if I am wrong), that is, by suggesting that all faculties, such as precisely energy vision, telekinesis, astral travel, are things unrelated to each other and have nothing to do with each other. In this way few people can understand that they are all expressions of the sixth sense and that it is on that and on meditation that one must first place concentration, from which one can then develop the rest.

Angel: Hi! Yes, it is all correct, the Third Eye is part of the sixth sense, which in turn is divided into several capacities including mainly Energy Sight and Mental Vision. Obviously, it is not a physical eye, nor should it be confused with the Mind chakra, because the juxtaposition is only a mental confusion. Actually, the Third Eye is a capacity and has nothing to do with a physical eye. You said well about the method that is used to confuse the ideas of others and make all the psychic faculties seem unrelated to each other, as if they did not all belong to the same Sixth Sense! They try in every way to confuse their neighbor’s ideas and make people believe one thing for another, so one must always be careful about what is said, especially since most of the time they are said by people who have no personal experience but only theoretical readings.

Student: More than a question, mine is a confirmation that I have understood correctly. The third eye is that part of the sixth sense that enables us to consciously perceive energy (whether prana or entity) and to interact with it – that is, to manipulate it at will (performance of psychic techniques).

Angel: The Third Eye is not just for you to perceive it, but for you to see it; seeing the energy and manipulating it are two different concepts, in fact you might see the energy but not be able to use it, or you might use the energy without being able to see it since you have never trained yourself to see it. Therefore, the Third Eye is precisely the name given to the psychic faculty that enables you to See energy.

Student: Training with aura vision I see a bright white veil drop especially on the face, I thought it is the white prana, is it possible? If so, in that case do I see with the mind chakra or the third eye?

Angel: Yes, it is prana and you are seeing it with Energy Sight, an ability that belongs to the Third Eye.

Student: Maybe it is a trivial deduction, since it is called the third eye, but as I understand it, the third eye is that part of the sixth sense that allows us to see all the various forms of energy and thus the other dimensions, but only and exclusively in their visual aspect. Is this correct?

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Angel: Yes, the Third Eye is specialized in vision, so it also allows you to know the other dimensions in a visual sense, but if you wanted to have more complete experiences, for example, also in an auditory sense and not only in a visual sense (as I explain in the articles on Dimensional Sounds) you have to practice to evolve that particular ability as well. Developing the Third Eye enables us to see all that is “beyond” the material dimension.

Student: The Third Eye is usually represented as a physical eye placed in the middle of the forehead. It seems to me that this is a very structured representation resulting from habit of the physical world, which is limiting, because I think that if well developed the third eye should see 360°; but I am not so convinced even on the aspect of the precise point of where to place it. If we were so structured, we should think of having, in addition to the third eye, which is the sixth sense organ with which we “see” true reality, also a third ear (which, for example, makes us hear dimensional sounds), a second tongue for taste, a second nose (or perhaps a third nostril?) for smell, and a second skin for touch. Am I wrong?

Angel: Of course, in fact it is; the depiction of the Third Eye is meant to make us understand of the existence of this more evolved View than the one we have always used, but as usual there are those who confuse everything and interpret the teachings as they please, so they end up believing that there must be a physical third eye and that it must necessarily be found in between the two eyes; Moreover, as you well said, this also limits our conception of “sight,” because it can make us believe that it is a very ordinary additional eye that sees no more and no less than the other two eyes. In fact, if we wanted to believe that the third eye is physical, it would mean that it would not change anything from the other two eyes, because all three are located on the face (and not, for example, one at the back of the head to give you a way to see behind as well and not just in front), plus it is often depicted vertically, unlike the other two eyes which are horizontal; if we were to believe this, would it mean that the third eye would see us askew? Or that it would suffice to put the head at an angle to see “reality,” without the need to evolve the third eye? Of course, this whole thing only serves to confuse the ideas and distance everyone from the truth. The Third Eye is not physical but is a Psychic ability that allows you to “see” energy, which is why it is drawn in the shape of an eye. Pure illustration!

Student: Hi Angel! But does this eye, precisely, really exist and is it not merely a word that encapsulates our vision abilities (aura and energy)? Technically it should be so because we can see the energy even with our eyes closed. This question stems from the fact that in some meditations (perhaps more conscious than others) I noticed as if energy were entering the Mind chakra and I could also see it inside my skin entering the chakra.

Angel: The Third Eye is a capacity, so it really exists, but it is not physical! Exactly in the same way that Energy Healing exists, it does exist, but it is not a physical component of our body, just as neither is Perception, or the O.O.B.E. technique, just as Dimensional Sounds is not a third ear. The Third Eye is depicted as a physical eye for illustrative purposes only, but it is not a true physical component, but rather an ability of the Sixth Sense. The feelings you had while meditating on the Mind chakra are right, because while meditating and absorbing prana you also saw this prana entering you; but this does not mean that the Mind chakra is the Third Eye, it means instead that with the Third Eye Mind Vision you saw the energy as it entered in a chakra. If you try again, with more concentration, you can see it also enter the Chi, even the Plexus and the Heart, not just the Mind.

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Student: I understand that the Third Eye is not a physical eye, but is it possible to see it with open eyes at the Mind chakra? Because months ago, my daughter for a few seconds looking at my face said: “Mom, in the center of your forehead I saw a kind of bright eye.” What do you think she saw? An alien life of mine in which I had three eyes? Or was it the third eye? Perhaps it was just her suggestion. She was asking what it was and I could not answer obviously. Thank you.

Angel: If the experience your daughter related is real, and she did not misinterpret it, it was certainly a past life face, as there are races that possess three physical eyes, as well as races that possess eight, because their physical bodies are made that way; there are also races that possess only one eye, and races that do not possess eyes, because their bodies are adapted to the dimension in which they were born and they probably do not need to see with their eyes (e.g., in very dark places). So these alien races do exist, and if you have experienced incarnations in those dimensions, by practicing the Face Vision technique you will be able to see faces of past lives that are very different from the face you have now, not only with regard to details but just with regard to elements that in this life you possess but in other alien bodies might be very different; for example, in the alien life you could have an organ that, in this human life, you do not possess because the human physical body is suitable for this planet, for this dimension, but not for the others, and vice versa. I did say, however, that you have to figure out whether she interpreted the experience correctly, because it may well be that she saw a glowing ball in your forehead and said it was an eye, although she only saw a glowing ball, and in that case everything changes, because it could be that she saw just the energy of your Mind chakra, nothing to do with a third eye. The chakras can be seen if you practice evolving your Energy Sight. Children are much more perceptive and see energy better, so it could be that she saw your chakra.

Student: Is it correct to say that we use our Third Eye whenever we are about to perform spiritual acts? That is, do we use it when we carry out everything related to spirituality?

Angel: No, because the Third Eye is connected solely to the faculty of Seeing but is not connected to “all” other spiritual activities. For example, if you are performing a Meditation, it does not mean that you are using the Third Eye, or if you are practicing Energy Healing it does not mean that you are using the Third Eye, because the two faculties are quite distinct. You can use them together, of course, if you evolve both to the right level, so you can use multiple faculties at the same time; but that does not mean that if you perform any spiritual act during the day, you are automatically using the Third Eye, absolutely not. You probably confused the Third Eye with the Sixth Sense.

Student: What would happen if my third eye suddenly opened?

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Angel: It would not happen, because the Third Eye does not open, not being a physical eye; it is a faculty that has to be evolved with time, and that is also why you cannot evolve it suddenly, but it takes a lot of training, just like all other practices such as Energy Healing, Telepathy, all of them require training and do not evolve “suddenly,” but step by step. It all depends on how much you train and the goal you want to achieve.

Student: I know I have the third eye open because I was told when I was in other paths before I got here, but it is blocked, what should I do?

Angel: It is important to understand that if it really was active, you would already see energies, presences, you would see auras perfectly, you would see everything energetic and not just what you see with your physical eyes, so you would see auras very well (with your eyes open) without needing to train yourself, you would see entities without needing to train yourself, you would see the codes of the Matrix, etc. Do you really see all this? Certainly not, because you have never trained; however, in other paths you have been told so because something completely different is taught in them than what is taught here. Here I teach you to get authentic experience through practice, not just teach theory. If you strayed from those paths there must be a reason, certainly because you did not find truth in what they were teaching, so put what you were told then behind you: start the new path by learning new revelations and new knowledge, without comparing them with what you had read elsewhere because you would only risk getting stuck where you had previously stopped. Go ahead and put theory aside because practice allows you to really evolve.

Student: Hello Angel! When I was younger, I used to follow online audio guides to “open” the third eye. They said if I concentrated, I could feel it on my forehead, and after I felt it, I could open it. I could really feel something in the middle of my forehead twitching. Since, as you already said, obviously there is no physical third eye, I was probably activating the Mind chakra by giving importance in that area and so I felt “that weight” above my forehead, do you confirm it?

Angel: Yes exactly, you were practicing on the Mind chakra by simply giving it another name. You were moving energy within the Mind chakra, so you felt this energy moving because the chakra has always been present in your forehead and some energy has always been there, as in all chakras; as a result, what you were doing was focusing on the chakra convinced that it was something else, namely the third eye. If you tried again now it would be hugely different because you would feel much more energy in the chakra, since you are meditating on it. The Third Eye had nothing to do with it, though, partly because otherwise you would have had great visual experiences to talk about, but I do not think you had many with the use of that practice.

Student: No no, in fact absolutely nothing happened after that! Haha!!! Thank you!!!

Angel: Exactly, precisely. These are the usual clickbait guides, promising to make you open your third eye because of that video, make you evolve to the 11th dimension, make you do a thousand things, but really, they just want to get yet another click.

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Student: When you develop the third eye, are the things you see with your eyes closed the same as you would see with your eyes open? I mean, besides entities or anything paranormal that one could see with the third eye, one can also see normal things such as a place etc.

Angel: Yes, you are talking about Remote Vision, which allows you to see a place as it is even from a distance, so you can see just the physical place through Remote Vision; obviously, you can do it. This is a technique I will teach you later, because it requires a lot of training and concentration.

Student: For those who have a developed third eye and thus can see the invisible, is it fair to assume that other merits are acquired, such as greater human sensitivity and understanding toward other people?

Angel: Yes but knowing how to see reality is not a matter that happens only to good people, because anyone can develop their psychic faculties by simple training, even negative people, so there are those who use this knowledge for their own and others’ good, and those who use it for negative purposes. A lot also depends on the path they are following, because there are those who teach to use these faculties for positive purposes (as happens in ACD!) and there are those who teach instead to use them for negative purposes. But by following the right spiritual path, and learning that these techniques can really be very helpful for your own good and that of your neighbor, you can develop a greater sensitivity through these experiences and certainly give rise to great reflections in you that allow you to improve your lifestyle as well; so the merits will be there all right.

Student: Good evening Angel and good evening to fellow students. Thank you for your helpfulness as always. A curiosity came to me: if the Third eye is part of the sixth sense, developing its abilities makes us able to see beyond ordinary sight. I was wondering, if a blind person developed this ability could he or she be able to see energy or entities?

Angel: Yes, it is common for blind people to be able to “see” without the use of their eyes; obviously, they do not see as we see, however, for example they see presences using a different view, a psychic view. This means that even blind people can learn to see entities through the third eye, so they will particularly use the sixth sense rather than Energy Sight, since the latter uses the physical eyes. Since they are blind, they might not evolve more in the Energy View (but I say might, because then it always depends on case to case and there is always the exception but certainly with the sixth sense they can learn to feel and see (through Mental Vision) the presence of the entity through mental flashes. So yes, they can do it.

Student: To develop the Third Eye, is it helpful to do meditation sessions only on the Mind chakra with that intention? If so, how much should one practice so as not to risk chakra imbalance?

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Angel: Meditating on the high chakras helps but that is not all, as the Third Eye is not the Mind chakra, so if you want to evolve Energy Vision, or Mental Vision, you will have to train in those two skills through the exercises I teach you in the Steps. Meditation is to make you absorb energy and raise your tonal so that you can, time by time, get increasingly out of the Low Frequency manipulation. Meditating is essential to offer you high energy and tonal to be able to best practice even the other techniques that allow you to evolve the Sixth Sense. Therefore, meditating on the Mind chakra obviously helps, since you are absorbing energy, but the chakra cannot do all the work, since to evolve the visual skills (of the Third eye) you need to train in the specific techniques. Also, it is important to meditate on all 5 chakras and not just the high chakras, because it would obviously result in an energetic imbalance. I recommend meditating on the five chakras, as in the session I taught you in previous lessons.

That is the end of the lecture for today, but if you have any other doubts you can write to me and send everything by clicking here; I will answer all your questions! Good night to everyone!

Student: Thank you for the wonderful lesson, Angel, it is a really interesting topic that I look forward to learning more about!! Only here in the Academy it is treated egregiously, eliminating from the outset the false beliefs and fears due to those who speak without ever having really practiced!! You are the one to spur us on to practice and experience, to show us how many wonderful experiences we were missing!! Thank you very much for everything.

Student: Thank you Angel for this wonderful opportunity!

Student: Thank you for clarifying all our doubts! Great lesson! Good night to everyone!

End page 6 of 6. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

813 komente
  • SibyRo

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    12:59 17/01/23

    non era tanto evidente, fra sesto senso visione energetica e terzo la lezione ha chiarito qualche dubbio grazie

  • Claudia

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    15:00 16/01/23

    Il terzo occhio non va confuso con il chakra della mente,fa parte del sesto senso e va allenato con le varie tecniche della vista energetica,permette di vedere tutto quello che riguarda l energia, l'aura,le entità... sia ad occhi aperti che a occhi chiusi. È sempre bene rileggere gli articoli,ogni volta trovo qualche informazione in più che mi era sfuggita.

  • dolores

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    09:34 15/01/23

    Ho capito che ci vuole tempo e costanza e i miglioramenti arriveranno grazie della lezione

  • Elio85

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    05:30 14/01/23

    il terzo occhio come si puo apprendere ancora di piu dalle domande e risposte è una facoltà del sesto senso e non,come spesso viene confusa fuori dall'accademia,per il chakra della mente. Avere un terzo occhio sviluppato ci permettere di incrementare ed permetterci una vista energetica grazie al quale possiamo vedereenergia,entità ecc..... Una cosa che non avevo mai pensato è che pero vedere l'energia non significa saperla usare;quindi anche se teoricamente non riusciamo a vederla magari pero riusciamo a maneggiarla nelle nostre meditazioni e nelle nostre tecniche.

  • Fedele

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    17:36 13/01/23

    ma quindi se ho capito bene "il sesto senso" è l insieme delle facoltà psichiche e tra queste c'è il terzo occhio che è quella facoltà che si esprime come componente visiva sottile della vista materiale, quello cioè che ci permette di vedere fisicamente in questa dimensione vibrazioni sottili; mentre la "percezione" dell'energia è la facoltà del sesto senso che si esprime come componente sottile del Tatto mentre l 'udito sottile ci fa sentire sempre in questa realtà materiale i suoni dimensionali. ma tutte queste facoltà sottili fanno parte del sesto senso che è, alla fine, un potere dell'anima

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    16:44 13/01/23

    Proprio in questi giorni sto ponendo particolare attenzione alla vista energetica, molto chiaro che il Terzo occhio non è, e non sarà mai fisico, al massimo viene rappresentato perché col giusto allenamento potremmo vedere di più, ma non come un comune occhio. Allenandoci possiamo vedere oltre e così acquisire e migliorare una delle capacità del Sesto Senso. Bellissimo anche il fatto della possibilità di poter riuscire a vedere l'energia dei chakra! A me personalmente non mi sembra di aver mai visto l'energia nei chakra (con gli occhi aperti). Per migliorare bisogna sicuramente meditare sui 5 Chakra e sopratutto fare tanta pratica e allenamento, solo così possiamo vedere i risultati!

  • Deus431
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    15:31 12/01/23

    Evolvere il Terzo Occhio è un processo lungo e richiede allenamento costante. Al momento mi sto allenando nella visione delle auree, e per arrivare al massimo livello di visione vedo una strada molto lunga d'avanti a me. E la visione dell'aura è solo una delle capacità del Terzo Occhio. Bisognerà imparare a vedere l'energia, le entità, i codici del Matrix etc. Tutte queste capacità visive richiedono allenamenti specifici, e si evolvono gradualmente e con il tempo. Il processo di miglioramento mi ricorda quello dell'allenamento fisico, dove si guadagna massa muscolare e forza fisica sessione dopo sessione di allenamento, e i progressi più grandi si notano in lunghi periodi tempo di allenamento costante. Questo tipo di processo di miglioramento graduale mi piace molto, mi da molta soddisfazione vedermi migliorare sempre di più.

  • Ibis
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    15:24 31/12/22

    Insomma il terzo occhio ci permette di percepire l'energia nelle sue varie forme e di vederla. Diciamo che cominciare a vederla è il primo passo, poi ci aspetta la capacità di utilizzarla al meglio. Così come ci permette di vedere le altre Dimensioni, ma poi, una volta viste, bisogna continuare nel percorso con altre pratiche, perché la sola visione non è sufficiente. Certo, mi viene da pensare che persone malintenzionate potrebbero fare un uso distorto dell'energia e piegarla ai propri scopi, a maggior ragione è il caso di essere pronti. Ma è anche fantastico sapere che se ne può fare un uso positivo aiutando gli altri oltre che sé stessi. Per quel che concerne la visione energetica, Io non ho mai visto la Prana ma è anche vero che non mi ci sono ancora dedicata con impegno e dedizione, ma leggo di persone che riescono a vederla e questo è incoraggiante. Non vedo l'ora di vederla entrare nei chakrae magari di vedere anche i chakra stessi, quindi comincerò con un serio allenamento.Per ora sto cominciando a sentire la Prana entrare, non sempre ma talvolta sì, e questo lo ritengo un importante passo avanti

  • Aras
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    19:26 18/12/22

    Gli articoli di domande e risposte sono sempre utili per risolvere dubbi. Il terzo occhio non è fisico ma è l’insieme delle facoltà psichiche che ci permettono di vedere l’energia, l’aura, le entità, i codici del Matrix ecc.. fa parte del Sesto Senso ma non è quest’ultimo. Il Web e altri percorsi ci portano sempre su strade sbagliate per confonderci le idee e allontanarci dalla verità. Per fortuna questo è il mio primo percorso! Riuscire ad evolvere queste facoltà sarebbe bellissimo anche perché fanno parte di noi da sempre, sono naturali! Grazie mille!

  • rosy79
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    08:37 17/12/22

    La confusione sul terzo occhio non era poca, però grazie a questi approfondimenti mi è sempre più chiaro questo tema. Leggendo fuori da acd credevo infatti che queste facoltà psichiche fossero separate tra loro. Ora capisco ancora meglio la differenza del chakra della mente e del terzo occhio, facoltà che ci permette di vedere non solo l'energia, ma anche tutto ciò che è oltre la dimensione materiale. Mi mancavano queste sensazioni che provo ogni volta che leggo gli argomenti e scopro nuovi concetti o chiarisco dubbi. Anch'io mi sono fatta l'esempio di avere un secondo naso, un terzo orecchio ecc... e leggere che non sono la sola mi ha fatto sorridere e sono contenta che non ho sbagliato. È capitato anche a me di vedere durante la meditazione l'energia che mi entrava nel chakra della mente e del cuore, ora comprendo che si è trattato della visione mentale. Alcune volte durante la meditazione mi è capitato di vedere entità vicino a me e la stanza in cui stavo appunto praticando in modo molto chiaro, mi chiedo quindi se potesse trattarsi di visione remota!

  • fiamma
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    21:49 11/12/22

    Grazie. Per la mia esperienza con la visione remota posso dire che in effetti, per me, il nome terzo occhio è volendo definibile corretto quando si intende il guardare senza occhi fisici. Perché oltre sentire i movimenti di energia proprio al centro della fronte, non quindi nel Mente, a me capita proprio di vedere tipo un occhio blu dietro la fronte ( che ovviamente potrebbe essere prana) e quindi a volte cerco proprio di guardare mentalmente attraverso esso e però diventa subito tutto molto intenso, come se al momento non riuscissi a reggere questa modalità e allora uso la tecnica come ci hai insegnato. La VR mi piace moltissimo e a volte mi da belle soddisfazioni, ovviamente c'è molto da allenare per raggiungere la qualità necessaria per supportare alcune tecniche. Invece la vista energetica dello statico la sto un attimo mettendo a parte, anche se cerco di tenere allenato con i volti e 'aura.

  • Jupiter
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 9

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    17:09 11/12/22

    Ripassare tutti gli argomenti è sempre molto positivo e le domande d gli studenti sono bene o male quelle che anche io avevo pensato di fare. Puntualmente le spiegazioni alle nostre domande sono sempre ben spiegate e chiaramente poi nella pratica non si hanno più i dubbi che si possono avere all'inizio. Più si pratica e più si scoprono cose ecc

  • simodrum
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    12:25 11/12/22

    Questa sessione di domande e risposte è davvero speciale! Chiarisce una volta per tutte parecchi dubbi che possono emergere sul Terzo Occhio (ovviamente supportata anche dall'esposizione dell'articolo precedente). Personalmente trovo che qui vengano proprio spazzate via diverse teorie e supposizioni provenienti da altri percorsi confusionari o volti nello specifico a confondere: uno su tutti il tema dell'occhio fisico messo in verticale messo in mezzo alla fronte che è solo una rappresentazione grafica e non c'entra nulla con l'abilità in sè. Ad oggi, che compio la seconda lettura di questo articolo, comunque mi è tutto ancora più chiaro grazie soprattutto al supporto della pratica effettuata in questi mesi: senza di essa starei ancora soltanto facendo supposizioni e non avrei avuto una percezione reale di tutto ciò che riguarda le abilità visive spirituali.

  • alimare
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    17:42 10/12/22

    Da questa lezione ho scoperto tantissime cose che non immaginavo e chiarito vari dubbi. Primo, per quanto possa essere banale, non avevo mai pensato a quanta diversità potesse esserci nell’universo e quindi sono rimasta comunque colpita nello scoprire l’esistenza di alieni con 8 occhi piuttosto che con nessun occhio.. un conto sono le immaginazioni, i film, cartoni animati, un conto è scoprire che è così per davvero e soprattutto che potrei avere vissuto all’interno di una razza così differente! Poi mi ha colpito molto i fatto che i circhi possano sviluppare una capacità di visione mentale così precisa come chi vede…

  • giovy

    Sei sicuro?

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    16:18 09/12/22

    Bellissima questa sessione di domande ricche di voler conoscere sempre di più e di risposte molto esaurienti di Angel . Leggendo questo articolo ho sentito la condivisione e il desiderio di tutti gli studenti di voler sempre più spiegazioni dettagliate e mirate a fare luce su ogni piccolo dubbio. Anche qui Angel ha spiegato alla perfezione il significato di sesto senso, chakra mente e terzo occhio. A questo punto mi viene veramente spontaneo dire che dopo tutte queste minuziose spiegazioni con esempi semplicissimi a seguire , solo chi non vuole veramente capire il concetto non lo capisce poiché anche un bambino alle elementari capirebbe il tema in questione. Come dice il detto "ti è stato messo in bocca con il cucchiaino " quindi più chiaro di così non si può.