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Dreams – What are Dreams? (part 1)

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When we mention the word “Dreams”, we immediately start to think that it is not an interesting or serious subject because we associate dreams with fantasies. We all dream every night – or almost – and we underestimate this type of experience because we are used to it. It is true that most dreams, are “only dreams”, but not all of them are made of fantasy only. There are dreams that reveal much more important information than we think, which could be about our personality, our future, or our past. Some dreams are not only dreams, because as much as they could seem incredible, they are real memories of experiences that we really had, but consciously we do not remember them, so they come back at night while we are sleeping. Other types of dreams allow us to make extrasensory experiences, for example communicating with people that are not alive any more or seeing the future, even in great detail.

There are different types of dreams, from the notorious Lucid Dream to the Dream of Premonition. Dreams allow us to notice things that consciously we do not immediately recognize. They are not only fantasy, but they can contain information that, between one dream and another, is revealed to us. We often think that dreams don’t have any meaning, or, at the most, they could give us a psychological interpretation of the person that is dreaming. Actually, dreams can hide much more. Surely more than once you have had what seemed an imaginary dream, but which left you with a very bad sensation after waking up. The scenes of the dream could have been unthinkable for their irrationality, but when you woke up – and for some time after too – you’ve been shaken by that dream. It could have seemed like a very normal dream, and yet it left you upset and disturbed for the following days as well. Why should a normal dream have such negative effects? Even if it was a nightmare you knew it was over given you’d woken up… so why have you been upset after awakening too? This was not only a dream. Certainly the scenario that you saw was mainly imaginary, and yet inside the dream there was something real that has left you with an annoying sensation in waking life too. This is because it was not just a dream.

Sometimes our nightmares are caused by negative presences that are able to influence our sleep so well that they can disturb it. It can be apparently quiet all around us, because the Low prevents us to see whatever energies are in our surroundings, and yet they are able to see us, because they do not have the problem of the Low. Therefore entities are able to see us and influence us negatively while we silently undergo their influences because we can’t see them and don’t value the issue of having to defend ourselves from them. It’s here that we make a mistake. Just because we do not see something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist, or even worse, that it is equally not able to see us. We are all the laughing stock of entities because they see us but we do not see them. We do not even believe in their existence! In this way they have absolute freedom to influence us negatively and to toy with our lives without any opposition from us.

When we sleep, we are very vulnerable, so much so that our sleep could be easily influenced by the external energies that strike us. At the same time we are more perceptive too. Negative entities are not the only ones able to influence us, there are also other types of energies that might have positive or negative goals. It often happens that entities try to communicate with us through dreams because it is easier for them compared to doing it through a verbal communication, as we expect it in our waking life. In fact, we imagine that if an entity wants to communicate it would appear in front of our eyes and tell us exactly what it wants to reveal.

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But reality is much more complex because we have the Low trying to stop all of this. Therefore entities are not able to communicate so easily, and sometimes they try to through dreams. Sometimes it can then happen that our dreams are not only dreams because inside them we might find real communications. Entities are not the only ones that try to communicate with us during sleep. Also our subconscious tries to communicate, and we often take it for granted, but we shouldn’t actually underestimate it so much because it often tries to make us understand what we don’t see, or don’t want to see, during the day. Sometimes our mind wants to communicate something to us that we are not able to understand when we are awake. Our subconscious is not only a container of information and memories, it is much deeper and so much more intelligent that, in fact, it tries to communicate and make us notice if there is something wrong. There is no reason to be surprised if sometimes dreams reveal what is happening around us. While awake, we might have not understood the situation we are living in, but dreams could reveal it to us. It is as if our subconscious sees and records things, some of which we do not immediately understand, and then, during dreams, it tries to communicate them to us. Then it is up to us to understand those messages sent by the subconscious, because they are not always easy to guess! Many times our dreams announce a very strong change in our life that after a few days will become true. Sometimes our subconscious sends us messages to communicate something it felt, but that during the day we did not understand. Other times we deal with Dreams of Premonition. This happens when there is nothing that could have advised us of an unexpected change, but we have dreamt it, and after a short time it became true with great precision. Dreams of Premonition are not so rare, or it’s better to say that there are people that have them more often than others, to the extent that they have more than one premonition a week. There are people that have premonitions almost every night.

Then we have Lucid Dreams. In these dreams you realize that you are dreaming to the extent that you can decide to do whatever you want. For example you can decide to fly, or to breathe underwater… because you realized that you are inside a dream and you are aware that everything is false, it is just an illusion, so you play along with the dream because you know that nothing bad can happen to you. Isn’t it extraordinary? Yet, few people know that lucid dreams can become much more interesting if we know how to use them. Some people understand that the dimension of dreams can be a springboard to get to more interesting dimensions. For example, you can use a lucid dream to have real Astral Travel experiences . At this stage you realize that dreams are not only dreams, but they can become doors to other dimensions if we learn how to use them. This is just a brief introduction to the world of dreams, because they are a real dimension of their own that can be exploited to make real actions. Just think that, through a dream, you can communicate with another person physically very distant from you, and that, when waking up, you will both remember the exact same dream! Is this not a telepathic communication?

Later we will examine in depth the subject “Dreams”, and I promise that it will be more captivating than expected.

End of page 2 of 2. If you liked the article, comment below to describe your feelings while reading or practicing the proposed technique.

This document is the translation of the original article ( on the Dimensional Consciousness Academy website.

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  • Madda
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    21:04 10/02/21

    Fin da piccola avevo paura di ricordarmi i sogni ed escugitavo ogni mossa da fare appena aperto gli occhi per scordare ciò che mi sogniavo. Questo articolo mi ha fatto pensare al fatto che all'epoca non mi era minimamente passato per la testa di fermarmi e chiedermi "il perché" del mio comportamento! Crescendo e leggendo su vari punti di vista quest'argomento ci ho preso un po' di confidenza. Ancora però non riesco a interpretarli in modo corretto. Con l'aiuto di ACD potrò imparare a dare ai sogni il giusto peso.

  • Sasha
    Medaglia per aver completato il libro Prendiamo Coscienza degli ALIENI - Volume 1
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    16:33 10/02/21

    Sogni rivelatori di informazioni, sogni Premonitori, sogni Lucidi, sogni vera e propria dimensione da sfruttare come porta per altre dimensioni, come ad esempio quella astrale, sogni per compiere gesti reali, come comunicare con un'altra persona telepaticamente.. sono impaziente di scoprire di più! Grazie

  • Maryall80
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    10:18 10/02/21

    Articolo molto interessante, ultimamente mi capita di sognare molto... ma non riesco a dare una vera interpretazione. Da ragazza facevo sogni lucidi, quindi mi capitava di volare o fare altre cose divertenti. Non vedo l'ora di approfondire questo argomento. Grazie

  • Elio85

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    08:11 10/02/21

    Personalmente i sogni lucidi a me non mi sono mai capitati, ma indubbiamente bisogna riconoscere che i sogni non hanno una sola valenza simbolica ma delle volte siano dei veri e propri messaggi.... Mi piacerebbe approfondire questo tema e capirne cosa e come i sogni possano interagire con la nostra realtà.....


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    12:36 09/02/21

    alcune cose le ho in effetti già provate che bello più avanti quindi potrò interpretarli e utilizzarli al meglio a mio favore

  • Danis

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    12:51 08/02/21

    Queste informazioni sulle varie tipologie dei sogni non le avevo mai focalizzate prima anche se mi sono spesso accorta dei diversi tipi di sogni che mi è capitato di fare e li riconosco molto in quelli che tu descrivi e anche le sensazioni conseguenti. Le tue indicazioni mi danno maggiore riscontro facendomi capire che non si sogna e basta, c'è un perché e un come che non vedo l'ora di approfondire. Grazie

  • gitana23

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    17:51 06/02/21

    è molto affascinante, io conosco solo l'aspetto simbolico , cioè il sogno come l'inconscio per parla attraverso un linguaggio metaforico

  • Saras2021
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    21:50 05/02/21

    Quindi esiste il modo di poter fare un sogno lucido mi pare di capire. Nonché di sfruttarlo per scopi ancora più interessanti.

  • Juan

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    20:59 03/02/21

    Quello dei sogni è un argomento molto interessante e affascinante, avvolte mi capita di sognare e dopo qualche giorno o diverso tempo comprendo il messaggio. Mi fa molto piacere affrontare questo argomento per capire meglio. Grazie ☺️

  • Carloz

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    18:19 03/02/21

    Che argomenti tosti, sembra quasi impossibile sperare di prendere il controllo di questo e tanti altri aspetti... "quasi" impossibile... ma invece tenere viva la fiamma della speranza e avanzare! che bello, grazie.

  • Stella lucente

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    07:57 02/02/21

    Tutto molto interessante oltre che importante, grazie.🙏

  • Viviana

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    21:49 01/02/21

    Proteggersi anche la sera prima di dormire e di perdere coscienza è troppo importante. Qualche notte fa mi sono resa conto di sognare ed è stato molto bello, perché ero con il mio cane che non c'é più e me lo sono goduto tutto, è stato fantastico. Sono sicura che tutto è stato permesso grazie alle tue tecniche perché riescono a sbloccare molte cose in diversi ambiti. Una volta il mio subconscio mi ha comunicato una soluzione a una cosa che mi preoccupava in quel periodo. Divorerò anche i prossimi articoli sul sogno. :-)

  • Alessandra
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    12:51 29/01/21

    Non vedo l' ora di scoprire di piu....davvero tutto molto interessante!

  • Giovanni

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    23:02 28/01/21


  • Marianna2021

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    12:00 26/01/21

    Da approfondire